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Showing posts from May, 2014

Linux vs Windows

We all know that there are different kinds of OS (Operating Systems). We have a domestic OS called Windows found in every nook and corner of this world, at every desk at least in India. We have flashy, highly sophisticated OS called Macintosh, found in a few rightful hands, where the owner enjoys delicious fruits of this luxurious OS. On the other hand Linux is that type of an OS which plays different roles for its owner/user, found having a friendly relationship with all its owners. :D So, now most of us who are reading this article are fed up of windows licensing problems and planning to migrate from Windows to Linux or you just want to know why Linux guys do not like Windows OS. [Image source:] Here, i would like to tell you one story, Suppose you go to buy a new car, you pay the amount to the respective manufacturer, then you get the keys of your new car, you are with your family very happy to buy a new car. When you drive your car out of the show


When you power on your system, you wait for some time and get Linux login prompt, there you enter your password and start your work. Do you ever think what happens when you power on your system ??????? Here I will briefly explain what happens in between power on and log in. Linux boot process explained in 6 stages.                                             1] BIOS [ Basic Input Output System ] After turning on the computer, the BIOS initialize the screen and keyboard and tests the main memory. Up to this stage, the machine does not access any mass storage media. Subsequently, the information about the current date, time, and the most important peripherals are loaded from the CMOS values. BIOS looks for boot loader in floppy, cd-rom, or hard drive. Once the boot loader program is detected it loads boot loader into the memory, and BIOS gives the control to it. 2] MBR [ Master Boot Record ] It is located in the 1st sector of the b

How to Install .exe File on a Linux Machine

For all linux lovers or haters, i'd rather say, all smart linux users, here is a method by which you can install Windows app i.e. .exe files on your linux machine using Wine. Go ahead.. First of all install Wine. To install Wine, go to Ubuntu Software Centre and search for Wine, and install it. A] steps are   Applications -->  Ubuntu Software Centre ---   B ] PlayOnLinux is a graphical front-end for the Wine software compatibility layer which simplify the installation of Windows based applications and games on Linux and Mac.  [ Direct download link--> ] To install it from command line for ubuntu 12.04  Precise version, use following commands: 1) wget -q "" -O- | sudo apt-key add - 2) sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list 3) sudo apt-get update 4) sudo apt-get install